eTrenders Editorial Blog Launched

Ever since the launch of the eTrenders Beta App online we were experiencing that we need to preserve some of the top trending topics in the shape of blogs, videos, and articles. We started building some videos on top trending topics and released videos on social networks. 

With each passing day, the need to start a blog was realized by our team and finally, we have started the blog at Not only our team would like to talk about some top social trends but also we will encourage guest blog postings from different parts of the world to preserve their top trending topics at eTrenders. 

A blog structure is based on World locations and the top trending topics we cover will be linked to their originating locations to build a map. We will invite journalists and media persons from all major parts of the world to join hands with us. 

Our whole team is really excited for 2022 – for all the great features developers have integrated into the app and the editorial team to start the blog this year. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

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